Wednesday, January 12, 2011


About a year ago, I was feeling really down about being here. I didn't have many friends at all. I was so lonely. I was writing in my journal and my writing turned into a prayer to God. I specifically asked God this, "Please help me to have Christian women to talk to. I need something." A week and a half later I visited some friends for a weekend. I wasn't particularly close to them before this. I don't know why, but my friend decided we'd leave the boys and have girls only breakfast. And that morning she let me pour my heart out to her, actually I take that back, she forced me to pour my heart out to her. Despite the fact that I was wanting this so badly, there was no way I was going to actively search for a shoulder to cry on. I didn't even realize till two months ago that I had written that. I looked at the date of the journal entry and that's when I remembered that a week and a half later God had sent someone to me.
This past December, my husband and I were dreading taking the public transportation. The whole month of December was a blizzard! To get to church it take about two hours using trains. About an hour of that is outside waiting on connecting trains or walking from the train station to church several miles. (I'm not looking for pity, this is just important details for the story.) In December, I don'think we walked from the train station to church once. There was always someone who offered to drive us there. One time we were on our way home and were happy because God had provided someone to drive us to the train station. We knew we would have to wait for a connecting train for a half an hour in a cold dark train station. It was really cold that night and neither of us were dressed warm enough. The half an hour was really long and cold. We got on the train and were glad to have a place to warm up for another half an hour, because we knew we didn't have any bikes waiting for us. So were gearing up for the half an hour walk home. The problem was that after that train ride, we still weren't warm. We walked slowly out of the train station and put our hats and gloves on. When we walked out the door we saw someone we knew. He was waiting for his ride to get there. Not only that, but they had a DVD to return to the rental place near our house.

That isn't the only time God provided rides for us during the month long blizzard. He was so good to us during that time! He still is. But it's brought me also to this conclusion, I'm spoiled by God. I just noticed this the other day. I was searching desperately for a piece of paper. I searched for days! Finally I decided it was time to pray about it. So I did. A lot of times when I do this, there are like almost instant results. God is that awesome. But this time nothing happened. It turned out we had to make a phone call to get the info we needed. It really wasn't that hard, but when God didn't answer my prayer the way I wanted I was shocked. It was then that I told Z that I was spoiled by God. He agreed.

So I know you hear a lot about when God doesn't answer your prayers. And I don't mean to play that subject down at all, but seriously, He is really good.

So what are some ways God has answered your prayers?